Golem – A to Z Challenge

“Emet,” she whispered into his ear, the breath of life.

Born into slavery through the alchemy of transmutation.

“Emet,” she whispered.


I found him, broken, shattered by the hammers of the mob, abandoned to the scrapheap.

Abandoned and long forgotten he lay, surrounded by the detritus of a society long-since moved away from the magics that gave him life, away from superstition and toward another type of magic.

With new slaves, their machines.

I found him abandoned, but still his eyes blazed red with purpose.

The sledgehammers had shattered his pottery skin but not his faith, not his destiny.

She promised him truth, but gave him only falsehoods.

I pulled the scroll from beneath his tongue and gave him his reward.

I removed the letter ‘e’ from his shem.

A new truth, a new promise.

“Met,” I whispered.

I gave him death.

Another story written for the A to Z Challenge, for which I’ve been writing about under-represented monsters. I know that Terry Pratchett has written a few stories about golems, but I like them too. And I couldn’t think of many others starting with the letter ‘G.’ I also managed to use this week’s Trifecta Writing Challenge prompt Alchemy. Oh, and “emet” means truth, and was the word written upon the first golem’s “shem” to give it life – and the original terrified villagers scratched off the first “e” to change truth into death.

Let me know what you think, comments and criticism always welcome!

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17 thoughts on “Golem – A to Z Challenge

  1. ambalika says:

    Interesting piece , it reminds me of Florence and the machine song “breath of life ” , has that eerie feel to it .:)

  2. It’s Chris! Before the end of the challenge! 🙂 Great job here, Chris. Strong ending.

  3. ganymeder says:

    I enjoyed this! I haven’t read too many stories about golems and enjoyed the little explanation at the end as well.

    • I find them fascinating, the poor things, condemned to a life of slavery, with no possible means of escape other than “met.” Or by being smashed apart by frightened villagers…

  4. Draug419 says:

    Yeah! Represent the under-represented monsters! (:

    Golems are awesome. You did fabulously with it!

  5. love the whole golem thing.

  6. Nice story. Golems always interest me and I’d like to see more stories with them.

  7. thank you for the explanation at the end – it scratched so much life into the depths of the story

  8. stankmeaner says:

    Pratchett’s golems were a welcome addition to Discworld, and I was really happy to see them on Supernatural the other week (don’t judge, and it was one of their best episodes;), and I loved this story. i’m totally too lazy to check up, but i’ll get you dropped to my inbox…

  9. KymmInBarcelona says:

    That seems the only proper end for an abandoned golem. (They shoot horses, don’t they?) Good on you!

  10. Nice! The golem isn’t often seen anymore. You gave him a fitting end, freeing him from his broken existence

  11. kdillmanjones says:

    Really great writing!

  12. Nandini Godara says:

    I really enjoyed reading this Chris!

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