Photocopier Press – Unleashed


So here we go, ladies and gentlemen, Photocopier Press has gone live! For those of you who weren’t (or still aren’t) in the loop, Photocopier Press is a crowd-sourced flash-fiction magazine, being released for National Flash Fiction Day, TODAY (in Australia at least!) We got so much interest, not only in the call for submissions, but also in people offering to print and hand out that we had to put together two booklets – we got so many good submissions that there is both a SIDE A and a SIDE B. Those are the links to the magazine in Google Docs. I learned that such a thing existed this afternoon, and not only that but, apparently you, my fellow Internetians, are able to download this edition of Photocopier Press and print it out, to drop off in cafes, record stores and the *occasionally* friendly second hand bookstore (as an aside, if you don’t shop at second hand book stores please start to. Where else can you get your dirty mitts on an anthology of Chekov short stories for $2? Or the back catalogue of John Wyndham for around $10? No where, that’s where.))

Anyway, this magazine is an experiment, a chance for us to see if a bunch of broke authors and avid readers can each chip in $5 or $10 to print out and then distribute excellent flash-fiction from authors who have not yet made the big time, as it were. Also, we at Photocopier Press are pleased to (tentatively) announce a July edition! The deadline will be July 10th, email us your flash fiction (this time under 750 words, we can squeeze more in that way) to EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED, and in that issue we are not only asking for the printing rights (for everyone out there printing their own copies to hand out as well as ourselves) but for the right to use your story online – we promise we won’t be making any money of it, just trying to get as much quality fiction into the hands (and smartphones) of as many members of the public as possible.

But more in that in the future…I have to go, they’re showing Police Academy II.


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9 thoughts on “Photocopier Press – Unleashed

  1. cathaber1 says:

    Hi Chris – I’m delighted to see my story in here – The possible effects of extreme cold – so thank you! But I don’t understand the pagination and think it has got muddled – unless, that is, my understanding of how it’ll come out photocopied is wrong…

  2. cathaber1 says:

    Okay! I’ll give it a try – thanks Chris!

  3. Hi Everyone!

    To print, print double sided, page flips on the short edge.
    Its five A4 pages long (each edition).
    Once all five pages print, the page on top should be the middle page, and the first page will be front and back cover.
    Just fold in half and bam! There’s a booklet 🙂

  4. cathaber1 says:

    Got it! Thanks – I’ll distribute copies at our Flash Fiction event in Abergavenny tomorrow – today? 16th May in the UK anyway! Never heard of Abergavenny? – look it up!

  5. tamykabell says:

    Distributed at multiple venues in Nundah, Brisbane — and at the Chermside Blood Donor clinic 😀

  6. I received the email; it looks great Chris! Nicely done. 🙂

Comments and criticism always welcome!