
Copyright David Stewart

The world had changed.

Many times over, the world had changed.

Stretching, grasping. Almost within reach.

Stone moves, given enough time.

He should never have approached the old woman’s standing stones. The legends gave warning enough – he thought of them as the tales of frightened peasants.

He should never have reached out to pull her blackening bread from the fire, even if he was only trying to help.

“Stone moves, given enough time.” She had whispered in his ear as his feet petrified beneath him, calcifying, immobile.

The world had changed, but stone will move, given enough time.



Written for this weekend’s Friday Fictioneers prompt. And exactly 100 words!

Comments and criticism always welcome!

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8 thoughts on “Calcified

  1. deanabo says:

    I really enjoyed this.

  2. Piscis says:

    Well, that’s a cool statue. Fitting for the piece, too.

  3. Very nice. I like the image too.

  4. rich says:

    well done, like history, philosophy, and anthropology all at the same time.

    in this line: “She had whispered in his ear as his feet petrified beneath him…” something sounds awkward. i think it had to do with “petrified.” to my ear, something is missing. as if maybe it should be “his feet became petrified beneath him.” not sure if i’m right, but that’s how it feels.

  5. Heidi White says:

    I agree, petrified could just be ‘turned to stone’ – especially with calcifying and immobile following on afterwards. You sometimes alienate your reader by using too fancy language

  6. Abraham says:

    I enjoyed this. Pity he was petrified while trying to help.

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